Whenever we thought about finding a new house that would work for Ellie and our family, my dreams always involved elaborate schemes, like Extreme Home Makeover or winning the sweepstakes. Instead, God often answers our prayers through normal means, like low interest rates, generous family members, and just the right house at the right time.
With thanksgiving to God, we wanted to tell you that we found a house! We signed the agreement late last week and hope to move the first week of June. The house is really great for us: good location, a ranch with open design, 4 bedrooms, finished basement, a nice big backyard, an extra garage, large bathrooms. We really think this house will work for our family for a long time.
Everything has just gone so smoothly: selling our house quickly, finding a new house, and plans to close on the same day and move directly from our house to the new one. All to be completed before the new baby comes!
Thank you for your prayers. We will keep you updated as moving plans are solidified.
Praise God for his blessings and goodness to us!