Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Back in the Hospital

We're back in the hospital with Ellie. After running a fever for almost a week, and a poor chest x-ray, the doctor thought it would be best to be admitted. Ellie is still sleeping most of the time. Her breathing is really labored and coarse-sounding. They have started the barrage of tests that come with being admitted in the hospital. At this point they are leaning toward bronchiolitis or pneumonia. If it is viral, there is nothing we can do except keep her comfortable and wait it out. The boys have been sick with respiratory colds as well, which is why they are leaning toward bronchiolitis--just a worse form of their cold. We have had strict orders not to let them come visit Ellie since they are unwell. Being in the hospital is like being on vacation ;) I will be able to watch the Tigers lose on the cable TV in Ellie's room rather than listening to them on the radio at home. I just had a tray of gourmet food delivered to the room. We have a great view of the city from our room this time so we can gaze out at the beautiful Spring day. Sounds fun, doesn't it? No, seriously, please pray for us this week because it is really hard to be separated and running around like this. We'll update when and if we know more.

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